2015 N.C. Suicide Prevention Plan: A Community Resource

In Wake County, 14 children died from suicide between 2006 and 2011.  To help families and communities stop these deaths before they happen, more than 180 diverse stakeholders worked in partnership to write the 2015 N.C. State Suicide Prevention Plan.  The Plan not only emphasizes that everyone has a role in preventing suicide; it also lays out concrete ways to take action.  Readers can access the Plan to:

  1. Increase their knowledge about local and national resources available for people in crisis.
  2. Obtain information to share with local and state elected officials calling attention to suicide as a concern to be addressed.
  3. Find out about training opportunities in which they can participate and promote to others.
  4. Access data and information to build the case for public and private funding for suicide prevention and mental health promotion.

Please use and share this outstanding resource to ensure our community’s approach to preventing suicide is strong and deliberate.

Information specific to self-harm in Wake County, the fourth leading cause of injury, is available in the Profile of Wake County Childhood Injury and Injury Prevention.