Wake County Healthy Community Grant Opportunity Announced for Municipalities
The John Rex Endowment will provide up to five Wake County municipalities grants for initiatives that support our goal to improve policies and implement changes to the built environment that increase children’s access to healthy foods and active living opportunities in Wake County.
The Wake County Healthy Community Grants funding opportunity is available to all Wake County municipalities who seek measurable and wide-scale impact to community planning, policy development and implementation, as well as improvements to the built environment (i.e., man-made structures like schools, parks, sidewalks, and other transportation-related infrastructure).
The John Rex Endowment is committed to ensuring that Wake County children, especially the most vulnerable, have opportunities for healthy eating and active living. In addition to the critical roles provided by parents and other interpersonal relationships, key stakeholders, local leaders and health advocates confirm that Wake County’s municipalities should continue to play a central role in building healthier communities.
Wake County town/city managers and mayors received the Wake County Healthy Community Request for Proposals on January 6, 2014. Full details are outlined in the RFP. The applicant for this funding opportunity must be a Wake County municipal government. Letters of Intent are due February 21, 2014.
Active Living By Design (ALBD) is the technical assistance provider for the Wake County Healthy Community Grants. ALBD has worked with community partnerships across the country to establish collaborative and innovative approaches to increase physical activity and healthy eating through community design, policy change and communications strategies. Advocates for Health in Action (AHA), a Wake County not-for-profit organization that provides additional local expertise, will serve in an advisory role.
Review Our Plan for Impact, 2013-2018, for more information about the John Rex Endowment strategies to bring about positive change for children in Wake County.