GOAL: Improve policies and implement changes to the built environment that increase children’s access to healthy foods and active living opportunities in Wake County municipalities.
The John Rex Endowment wants to assure Wake County children have opportunities for healthy eating and active living. The role of parents and interpersonal relationships are critical, yet we know families need safe, reasonably priced, and convenient access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity. Key stakeholders, local leaders, and health advocates confirm Wake County’s municipalities can and should play a central role in building healthier communities.
Toward this goal, the John Rex Endowment will prioritize an evidence-based approach to planning, policy development and implementation, and built environment changes that have a measurable and wide-scale impact on children’s access to healthy foods and active living.
Our Approach:
- Strengthen regional and county-wide organizations support of municipalities in implementing evidence-based strategies focused on improving policies and implementing changes to the built environment that increase children’s access to healthy foods and active living opportunities.
- Build municipal stakeholders’ recognition of the importance of policy and built environment to increase children’s access to healthy food and active living opportunities.
- Transform community settings through improved policies and the implementation of changes to the built environment that increase children’s access to healthy foods and active living opportunities.
- Raise the profile of children’s healthy weight as a key priority for healthy, livable, and economically sustainable cities and towns.
- Improve or create municipal plans and policies to increase children’s access to healthy food and active living opportunities.
See Our Plan for Impact, 2013-2018 for detail on this goal and strategies.
Funding Opportunities:
With the rich field of work already underway, and the visible and substantial progress being made as a result of these efforts, we are not releasing a funding opportunity for this goal in 2018.
Peruse our Learning section where you will find information including:
- Community Action Model – written by Active Living By Design (ALBD) to support coalitions and local leaders seeking a collaborative approach to creating healthier places.
- U.S. National Physical Activity Plan - a comprehensive set of policies, programs, and initiatives to support and encourage regular physical activity is organized around nine sectors: Business and Industry; Community Recreation, Fitness and Parks; Education; Faith-Based Settings; Healthcare; Mass Media; Public Health; Sport; and Transportation, Land Use and Community Design.