
GlaxoSmithKline Honors Wake County Child Health and Development Program with Award

Wake County Human Services recently received a GlaxoSmithKline Child Health Recognition Award for its Child Health and Development Program which is supported by a grant from the John Rex Endowment. Wake County was one of only three counties in the state to receive an award in the Local Health Department category.

The Wake County Child Health and Development Program zeroes in on the needs of abused and neglected children, assessing their physical and behavioral health. By creating individual care plans for children in foster care or those receiving child protective services, the program provides specific assistance with development, mental health, parenting and other needs. The assessments are shared with all responsible for helping the child with a goal of offering services earlier and more consistently before more serious problems arise.    

The GlaxoSmithKline Child Health Recognition Awards were established to honor health departments, public health staff and individual citizens for their dedication to improving child health. The awards showcase innovative programs that improve the lives of North Carolina’s children. A committee of healthcare professionals established by the North Carolina Public Health Association (NCPHA) chose the award recipients which were announced September 30, 2009 at an awards ceremony in Asheville during the NCPHA annual meeting.