We’re Celebrating Four New Partners

This spring, we invited Wake County nonprofits and grassroots organizations to apply for a new, three-year funding opportunity. We’re hoping to help these new partners build a community of practice, elevate capacity and gain new skills through this grant. We recently kicked off our work with the four exceptional organizations that were selected to participate in our 2024 capacity building cohort! We’re sharing more about each organization here. 

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Celebrating Advocates Who Help North Carolinians Get the Care They Need

When Governor Cooper talked about helping more families access life-saving healthcare, we knew we wanted to be part of making that happen. 

That’s why we joined together with other funders to support three organizations that help North Carolinians with Medicaid enrollment. Together, we were able to raise almost $3 million to help fill the gaps in our state’s funding. 

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Register for the Second Gathering to BREATHE Cohort

Registration is open for the next Gathering to BREATHE cohort. We're inviting those who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other People of Color to join this virtual gathering. Cohort facilitators Nick Allen and Whitney Tucker are leading these sessions. We're sharing more details here. 

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How we’re shifting power and decision-making back to communities

Imagine this scenario. A grantmaker comes in, tells a community or nonprofit exactly what they need, provides funding for programs and services only based on what they feel is best and then leaves, never to be heard from again. 

What is wrong here? A lot. It is impersonal, it does not honor the wisdom or expertise of those closest to the issue, and it does not address what the community actually needs. At John Rex Endowment, we know there’s a better way to approach philanthropy. 

That’s exactly why we work closely with The Kaleidoscope Project. In partnership, we’re reimagining philanthropy and shifting power back to the community (where it belongs).  

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