
John Rex Endowment Renews Capacity Building Funding

The John Rex Endowment is pleased to renew the Capacity Building Initiative (CBI) Requests for Proposals. We believe this internal organizational work is critical to help build the strength and resilience of our local nonprofit sector so that the children and youth of our community have the quality services and support they need to thrive. Three types of support are available. Organizational Assessment grants allow organizations to undergo an assessment of current capacities. Capacity Building grants provide funding for organizations to implement strategies identified through an assessment process for the purpose of increasing their effectiveness and sustainability. The third type of support is for Strategic Restructuring assessment / planning grants. These grants will support two or more organizations assessing the feasibility of and implementation needs for alliances or integrations. Submissions must be e-mailed by noon on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 to: kate@rexendowment.org