Building to Impact: Preventing Childhood Injury Meeting Report

In our commitment to preventing childhood injury, on May 2, 2014 the John Rex Endowment hosted injury prevention experts and other stakeholders for a meeting focused on creating a safe and injury-free Wake County for children.  The goals of the meeting were to: 1) Explore and understand the leading causes of childhood injury in Wake County based on results of a recent assessment, the Wake County Childhood Injury Prevention Assessment Project; 2) Hear from keynote speaker Carolyn Fowler, PhD from Johns Hopkins University, about the importance of incorporating childhood development when considering childhood injury prevention; and 3) Participate in interactive networking sessions to discuss ways to consider and identify opportunities to enhance the impact of childhood injury prevention, and identify resources to improve those efforts in Wake County.   See the full report of the meeting, Building to Impact: Preventing Childhood Injury.  See images from the meeting.