Funding Area: Nonprofit Capacity Building

Many nonprofits are challenged with raising necessary funds to sustain operations, let alone ensure the development and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary to fulfill their respective missions. 

In order for the John Rex Endowment and the community to improve the health and well-being of children in Wake County, we support organizations to strengthen and enhance core infrastructure so they can deliver quality programming more effectively and efficiently.  Such support enables the organizations to focus on how they must operate in order to achieve their mission.  Our Nonprofit Capacity Building funding area is detailed in our five-year plan, Our Plan for Impact, 2013-2018.

This funding area has two goals:  (1) strengthen and enhance the core infrastructure of nonprofits that support Wake County children living healthy lives and (2) advance the effectiveness of coalitions working to: prevent childhood overweight and obesity; prevent injury and ensure the overall safety of children; and support children’s mental health, social and emotional well-being.

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