GOAL: Advance the effectiveness of coalitions working to:  prevent childhood overweight and obesity; prevent injury and ensure the overall safety of children; and support children’s mental health, social and emotional well-being.

Coalitions (i.e., individuals and organizations working together toward a common purpose) are often recognized as integral avenues for addressing community needs and problems.  However, in practice, having various contingents work well together can be difficult:  decision-making processes can be cumbersome and time-consuming, turf issues reinforce competition rather than collaboration, and funding to support coalition infrastructure is difficult to find.

Despite the challenges of coalition work, the John Rex Endowment believes strong collaboration, collective planning, and unified action is critical to ensuring Wake County children have a healthy weight, that they are living safe and injury-free, and that they have positive mental health, social and emotional well-being. Therefore, we will focus on building the capacity and effectiveness of existing Wake County coalitions working in these areas.

Our Approach: 

  • Build the interest and commitment of existing coalitions to engage in capacity building work.
  • Identify ways to contribute to stronger and more effective coalitions.

See Our Plan for Impact, 2013-2018 for detail on this goal and strategies.

Funding Opportunities:

Current funding opportunities are announced through a Request for Proposal process.



Current funding opportunities